
Training on Treatment of Hepatitis C and HIV Co-infection Using the DAAs

Pada tanggal 16-17 Mei 2016, IAC mengikuti Training on Treatment of Hepatitis C and HIV Co-infection Using The DAAs di Bangkok, Thailand. Berikut ini adalah materi training yang dapat didownload:

American HCV Guideline 2016:

European HCV Guideline 2015:

WHO HCV Guideline 2016:

Updated WHO HCV Guideline:

Training Day 1
Epidemiology and natural history of HCV and HIV-HCV co-infection:

Setting the scene: Where do we standing policy and treatment:

Issue of PLWHIV facing:

DAA and HIV HCV 2016

Case vignette 1: who to treat and with what regimens

Case Vignette 2: Monitoring and side effects

TREAT Asia Training: Monitoring and Safety

Hepatitis C diagnosis

Training Day 2
Drug-Drug interaction

TREAT Asia Training

Access Campaign – treat Asia

TREAT Asia Training_Treatment Failures

Advanced & end-stage liver disease

Case Vignette 3: Drugs to avoid

Pre and Post Tests_with answers

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Training on Treatment of Hepatitis C and HIV Co-infection Using the DAAs


Pada tanggal 16-17 Mei 2016, IAC mengikuti Training on Treatment of Hepatitis C and HIV Co-infection Using The DAAs di Bangkok, Thailand. Berikut ini adalah materi training yang dapat didownload: American HCV Guideline 2016: European HCV Guideline 2015: WHO HCV Guideline 2016: Updated WHO HCV Guideline: Training Day 1 Epidemiology and natural history of HCV […]

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