
The Announcement of Selection Partner Organizations Result for CSS-HR & FSW Implementation Programs 2022-2023

Congratulations for 5 organizations which have been selected and will support IAC as a Sub Recipient (SR) in implementing the Community System Strengthening and Human Rights-Based Reduction of Barriers to Health Access (CSS-HR) and HIV Prevention in Female Sex Workers (FSW) programs supported by The Global Fund-ATM for the period of 2022-2023.

The SRs are:
1. CSS-HR Region 1: Organisasi Perubahan Sosial Indonesia (OPSI)
2. CSS-HR Region 2: Jaringan Indonesia Positif (JIP)
3. FSW Region 1: Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia DKI Jakarta
4. FSW Region 2: Yayasan Kalandara
5. FSW Region 3: Yayasan Kerti Praja

We hope that our partnership could run well and keeping on our great goals to support HIV and AIDS prevention programs in Indonesia with the involvement and stand-sided of the community.

We would like to thank the organizations for the gratitude going through a fairly long selection process. We do hope that good partnership will continue in the future

We also thank the parties involved in the selection process, especially external parties who have provided an objective point of view for the judgements.

The selection of these SRs was the start of IAC’s work as a PR with the hope that the work we will do together in the future would bring meaningful changes to the lives of people living with HIV and HIV communities in Indonesia.

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