we are hiring-01


The Indonesia AIDS Coalition is a community-based organization that contributes to increase transparency, accountability, and community participation in AIDS programs through collaboration with various stakeholders, both government and non-government.

To support advocacy work and capacity building for the community, IAC uses social media to disseminate information. In disseminating information to the public in general and the community in particular, requires content that is in accordance with the appropriate issues, both narratively and visually creatively.

Therefore, IAC needs an AGENT or TEAM (which consist of 2-3 people to handle copywriting, design grafis, etc) working part time with the following tasks:

  1. Make copywriting for IAC media
  2. Create IAC media graphic design
  3. Create thematic content according to a schedule or timeline that has been planned and determined, in the form of appropriate narrative, creative visuals and eye catching and will be published through social media and websites managed by IAC;
  4. Create other content needed to support IAC’s work, such as presentation design, event banners;
  5. Documenting photos and videos on activities carried out by IAC and then processing them into content and publishing them through social media and websites managed by IAC.


Qualifications of part-time workers:

  1. Is an Agent or a Team work;
  2. Have the ability to use design software programs to create creative graphic visual content (Corel draw, Photoshop, Illustrator, In-design)
  3. Have the ability to understand writing and develop writing from activity documentation;
  4. Able to make content planning (planned and scheduled)
  5. Able to work as a team
  6. Domicile in Jabodetabek
  7. Be part of the HIV-affected or disabled community is preferred;
  8. Have an understanding of HIV issues and HIV-affected populations;

Job reporting:

  1. Part-time workers will have an office at the IAC Office 3 days a week;
  2. The result of the content creation should be submitted according to the time scheduled.

The application letter along with portfolio, CV, photo of the agent/team and salary expectations for the agent/team are to be sent by email to recruitment@iac.or.id with the subject “PPWKM” at the latest on January 30, 2022 at 23.59 WIB.

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