R Cad

R-CAD System Development Consultant Vacancy

In 2022, IAC, with the support of implementing partners, has provided 126,939 Female Sex Workers (FSWs) with education and HIV prevention packages, reached and encouraged 67,199 FSWs to take tests to determine their HIV status, and reached 11,002 FSWs through community-based screening. IAC recorded 1,410 cases of FSWs with positive HIV results, and 126,939 FSWs have been screened for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). For the Community Systems Strengthening & Human Rights (CSS-HR) in 2022, there were 587 documented cases against KP and PLHIV, 180 of which were followed up with the legal aid institutions.

IAC has developed a recording and reporting system (R-CAD) manually through Microsoft Excel. R-CAD is a system for integrating geospatial techniques into FSW and CSS-HR programs. R-CAD is a system that integrates geospatial data into the FSW and CSS-HR programs. R-CAD visualizes real-time aggregated cascade analysis at each level, giving room to better analyze and evaluate the programs’ progress towards their goals and providing early warning of any problems that might arise.

IAC requires help to develop the system into a web application. The goal is to make it able to be used directly by all implementing partners and external parties, making R-CAD a place for verification from the Sub Sub Recipient (SSR) level to the Principal Recipient (PR).



The system will be created for the following reasons:

  1. 1. To create a web application-based recording and reporting system from the City/Regency to Provincial levels;
  2. 2. To create a web application-based verification system from the City/Regency to Provincial levels;
  3. 3. To create a dashboard that visualizes the achievements of all indicators;
  4. 4. To create a web application-based analysis system;
  5. 5. To create a system that can visualize the breakdown of achievements and indicators from the City/Regency level to the national level.

Time and Place

Periode pembuatan system R-CAD : Februari 2023 – April 2023



Consultant Criteria:

  • • Individual/Team/Organization/Company;
  • • Have developed a web application-based recording and reporting system;
  • • Have developed a tiered data verification (Individual-City/Regency-Province-National) web application;
  • • Have developed a web application-based dashboard that analyzes program achievements;
  • • Possess a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) for the Individual/Team/Organization/Company;

Application Procedure

Please submit the following documents:

  1. 1. Letter of interest as a consultant to develop the R-CAD system;
  2. 2. Attach a portfolio of systems that you or your team/organization/company have developed;
  3. 3. Individual/team/organization/company CV;
  4. 4. Estimation for system development and price quotation.

Only complete documents will be processed for the next stage. These documents can be sent by email to recruitment@iac.or.id no later than February 17, 2023.

Only complete documents will be processed for the next stage.

*Consultant Reference Framework for R-CAD System Development, please download here.

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