Vacancy Content Creator

Vacancy Content Creator Consultant

The Indonesia AIDS Coalition is a community-based organization that contributes to efforts to increase transparency, accountability, and community participation in AIDS programs through collaboration with various stakeholders, both government and non-government organizations. This organization was founded in 2011 as an association of individuals who have experienced direct difficulties in accessing public services, from health services to social services and financial assistance, mainly because of their health status as people living with HIV.

Currently, IAC seeks a Content Creator with the following qualifications and scope of duties:


  • Possess visual communication design skills;
  • Possess basic to advanced design skills (including video and photo editing);
  • Possess the skills to use social media applications such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc. (please include a portfolio);
  • Possess the ability to write articles;
  • Possess the experience of managing campaigns, both online and offline, including through social media;
  • Possess creativity in designing, managing, and optimizing HIV-AIDS issues for public campaign programs;
  • Able to work in a team across fields or divisions and complete work according to the agreed-upon deadlines; and
  • Have interest and commitment in social campaigns, especially for HIV-AIDS issues.

Workplace Cooperation

  • Can work alone with minimal supervision;
  • Willing to work overtime to meet targets;
  • Willing to travel out of town to obtain the content needed by the organization;
  • If necessary, be present outside of working hours;
  • Consultant for a minimum of 3 months or more, according to the agreement by both parties;
  • Possess an understanding of HIV issues and HIV-affected populations;
  • Part of the HIV-affected community or disability community is preferred; and
  • Jabodetabek domicile.

Registration Procedures

Prospective consultants must submit the following documents:
1. Letter of interest
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Photo/scan of taxpayer ID (NPWP)
4. Examples of similar work results

All documents must be sent to before May 7, 2023, 23:59 WIB, with the email subject: VKCC

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Vacancy Content Creator Consultant

The Indonesia AIDS Coalition is a community-based organization that contributes to efforts to increase transparency, accountability, and community participation in AIDS programs through collaboration with various stakeholders, both government and non-government organizations. This organization was founded in 2011 as an association of individuals who have experienced direct difficulties in accessing public services, from health services […]

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