3D rendering concept of announcement, a megaphone on yellow background, 3d illustration

The Announcement of CSS-HR & FSW Program Administration Selection 2022-2023

Panelists from Indonesia AIDS Coalition have been conducted the administration selection which the documents were sent by all the partner candidates.

From the result of that selection, we have the name of organizations who are successfully passed the administration selection as shortlisted candidates to go to the next step of selection.

The shortlisted candidates of CSS-HR Program can be seen as follows:

  1. Organisasi Perubahan Sosial Indonesia
  2. Yayasan Karisma
  3. Jaringan Indonesia Positif
  4. Gaya Warna Lentera Indonesia

As for the shortlisted candidates of FSW Program can be seen as follows:

  1. PKBI DKI Jakarta
  2. PKBI Jawa Barat
  3. Yayasan Kalandara
  4. Yayasan Spek-HAM
  5. PKBI Jawa Timur
  6. Yayasan Kerti Praja
  7. Yayasan Laha Berbagi Sultra
  8. Yayasan Mitra Husada
  9. PKBI Sulawesi Tengah

Those who are successfully passing the administration selection and become our shortlisted candidates will go to the interview session that will be held (as planned) on October 18th – 23rd 2021.

The shortlisted candidates will get further information by email that will be followed by the availability of each candidate to go for the interview.

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