Konsultan CRM

Consultant Vacancy for CRM (Crisis Response Mechanism) Module Development

With Qualifications:

  1. Have relevant experience in module development. effective.
  2. Ability to understand HIV-AIDS issues
    • Relevant work experience in HIV-AIDS management and prevention.
    • Understand the latest trends, research, and innovations related to HIV-AIDS.
  3. Communication Skills
    • Ability to build good communication with various parties (national and regional network partners or in this case PR, SR and SSR)
    • Expertise in presentation and facilitation of training sessions.
  4. Have expertise and competencies such as crisis management, crisis communication, and post-crisis recovery.
  5. Professional Integrity and Ethics
    • Commit to professional ethics, including confidentiality of information and protection of human rights.
    • Personal and professional integrity in engaging with sensitive issues.
  6. Analysis Skills
  7. Have Creativity
  8. Specific requirements please refer to the “TOR” document.

Interested consultants are invited to send their Letter of Interest to procurement@iac.or.id, recruitment@iac.or.id by May 26, 2024, at 12.00 pm.

Complete TOR please download here

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