Vacancy admin officer

Job Vacancy Staf Admin Officer

Since its establishment in 2011, Indonesia AIDS Coalition has a main objective of promoting better governance of HIV and AIDS prevention programs in order to create an environment that is transparent, accountable, and in which the PLHIV and AIDS-affected groups are important actors in policy-making program. In recent years, IAC has made a name for itself as one of the leading HIV and AIDS organizations in Indonesia, working closely with AIDS-affected communities and civil society organizations and other relevant partners including the government, the Ministry of Health in particular.

With the main focus of community system strengthening and enabling the creation of a conducive environment for access to health through advocacy and education/training activities, IAC is supported by various sources, both funding and implementation of activities. However, even with various partners collaborating, IAC still maintains its work ethic to stay within the corridors of IAC’s values, which prioritize transparency, accountability, and participation.

Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) led by and based on people living with HIV (PLHIV) and other AIDS-affected communities (Sex Workers, LGBT, Narcotics Users) who work on HIV and AIDS prevention issues in Indonesia and located in Jakarta. IAC works in particular to promote and advocate public policies in favor of AIDS-affected communities and the rights of minorities and women. Currently IAC requires “Admin Officer” staff.

“Admin Officer” is a part of the Support Team. In this case, it is under the direct supervision of the Secretariat and HR Manager. The main task is to ensure that all administrative processes and daily activities of the Executive Director running well. It will become a staff who assists all activities of the Executive Director starting from the making the ToR, agenda, itinerary, minutes of meeting, all activities related to financial activities in terms of the Executive Director’s official trip, translating the documents from English to Indonesia or vice versa, managing an agenda to be put on a calendar in the secretarial field as well as a work calendar in office operational activities, and all operational activities of the Executive Director in particular and the office in general.

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The meaning of this recruitment is to recruit supporting staff in the administrative process and daily activities from the Executive Director to the general office. While the purpose of this activity is to fulfill the composition of IAC staff in accordance with the organizational plan that has been submitted to the Board for the 2022 period.


Admin Officer staff will report directly to the Executive Director with direct supervision from the Secretariat and HR Manager.

Key Responsibilities:
1. Facilitating IAC meetings (internal and external) including meetings of the Supervisory Board, Board of Directors and Annual Member Meetings.
2. Translating all organizational documents from English to Indonesian or vice versa.
3. Assisting in setting the agenda for the activities of the supervisory body, Executive Director and IAC partners and networks in coordination with the Secretariat Manager
4. Preparing the work schedule for the Executive Director’s activities both internal and external as well as travel logistics both domestically and abroad.
5. Preparing materials for the activities of the Executive Director in the internal and external matters.
6. Preparing and facilitating the Executive Director by gathering information for the implementation of all organization activities (program, organization, finance and HR).
7. Preparing and facilitating the Executive Director by collecting information for the implementation of goods and services procurement activities at IAC.
8. Organizing and controlling incoming and outgoing letters according to their nature and importance by coordinating with the ICT and Communications Coordinator.
9. Storing and securing important and confidential documents.
10. Carrying out the administration of petty cash management, especially for the Secretariat petty cash.
11. Making minutes of meeting & documentation of every activity of the Executive Director or assigned by the Executive Director.
12. Representing and or accompanying the Executive Director according to his disposition.
13. Carrying out other tasks which are still related to the IAC agency assigned by Secretariat and HR Manager and/or Executive Director.

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1. Using organization’s equipment and supplies that can support the work.
2. Providing input on the improvement and development of the organization.


General Criteria
1. Minimum education background is Diploma or Bachelor in Secretary or Communication or Linguistics.
2. Experienced in managing administration, especially secretarial administration.
3. Able and familiar with document translation.
4. Familiar in making minutes of meeting.
5. Able to speak English actively, both oral and written.
6. Having a certificate related to English language skills will be preferred.
7. Able to work together and has empathy with marginal groups such as PLHIV, LGBT, sex workers and drug users.
8. Able to operate Microsoft Office computer (MS. Word, Ms. Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) and Internet.
9. Having good communication skills.
10. Having good organizational skills and be able to manage daily workloads based on priorities
11. Proactive, flexible and able to work in a team and able to work under pressure.
12. Having high motivation and work commitment.
13. Willing to travel within the framework of the task of accompanying the Executive Director both domestically and abroad.

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IAC is open for people with disabilities or special needs, people living with HIV and AIDS, sex workers, former injected drug users and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) people to apply.

Special Criteria
1. Having experience working in the non-profit sector or civil society organizations
2. Having experiences working with marginalized groups, especially those who are affected by HIV and AIDS or other health issues.
3. Having a non-discriminative and non-judgmental attitude towards co-workers and groups being assisted
4. Never been a perpetrator of violence based on gender or other violence

Aplikasi surat lamaran berikut CV, photo, surat referensi beserta ekspektasi gaji dikirimkan ke email: dengan subjet “AO” sampai tanggal 11 Desember 2021 pukul 23.59.

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