
Vacancy Project Admin and Finance


POSITION TITLE : Project Admin and Finance


TERMS : Project Bases ? Full Time



REPORTS TO : ?SHIFT Program Manager


Internal : All Program Coordinators & Officers, Operation Manager, Finance Manager and SHIFT program team.

External : IAC partners: government counterparts, schools, universities, local/international NGO, IAC-SHIFT consultants.



The primary function of this position is to provide an assistance to SHIFT Program Manager in managing day to day project financial and administration works.


  • Responsible for compiling and checking monthly field forecast and reports
  • Responsible for creating, tracking and monitoring project advances and settlements
  • Responsible for creating, tracking and monitoring project procurements
  • Provide the administrative and financial assistance to SHIFT Program Manager
  • To represent IAC and the SHIFT in official capacities as needed.
  • Carry out other additional duties as assigned by SHIFT Program Manager.

Expected qualifications:

  • Minimum D3 degree in a relevant field including finance, accounting, business admininstration, tax ;
  • Minimum two years of experience in similiar job;
  • Experience working with non-governmental organizations is a required;
  • Capacity to be self-reliant, results oriented, and manage multiple deadlines;
  • Experience working with the government at various levels;
  • Energetic, flexible, collaborative, and proactive; a team player who can positively and productively impact both strategic and tactical initiatives;
  • Ensure appropriate confidentiality for internal documents;
  • Exceptional written, oral, interpersonal, and presentation skills in Bahasa Indonesian; Proficiency in verbal and written English;
  • Demonstrated ability to convey messages through clear and concise writing;
  • Ability to travel to the field for up to 30% of the time, Ability to travel domestically on short notice.
  • Ability to work with community such as ODHA/PLHIV, LGBT, sex workers and drug user.
Artikel terkait  Vacancy National Program Officer

People with disabilities or special needs, Living with HIV/AIDS, and ?LGBT ( Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender ) individuals are welcome to apply. Send the application and CV to : Recruitment@iac.or.id
with subject email of vacancy code : ?PAF-SHIFT/V/2017? not later than May 12, 2017.

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