Vacancy Internal Control

Vacancy Internal Control

The Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based on People with HIV (ODHA) and other AIDS-affected communities (Sex Workers, LGBT, Narcotics Users) who work on HIV and AIDS prevention issues with work areas throughout Indonesia and is domiciled in Jakarta. The IAC works to promote and advocate for public policies in favor of communities affected by AIDS and the rights of minorities and women.

As an institution that is growing fast and established very well, IAC is trusted by several large donors to manage funds such as the Global Fund, UNAIDS, USAID, and others. As a form of development that is very large when compared to its current age, the Indonesia AIDS Coalition is currently trusted as the “Principal Recipient” (PR) of the Global Fund.

In supporting of its hard work, the Indonesia AIDS Coalition opens up opportunities for the position of: “Internal Controller”

The length of the work contract offered is for 11 (eleven) months that is from “February to December 2022, with the possibility of an extension until December 2023.

“Internal Controller” is part of the Finance Division where in this division there are Finance & Accounting Manager, Finance Coordinator, Accounting Coordinator, Internal Control, Cashier and Finance Assistant. Internal Control is under the direct supervision of the Finance Coordinator. The main task is to review the entire financial process, from submitting payment disbursements, advances, accountability reports, completeness of documents to consolidated financial statements.

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Ensure that the entire process is in accordance with the Financials’ SOPs, Transaction’s record, and Project Implementation Manual(PIM) with the following job descriptions:

1. Reviewing the entire financial process, starting from the submission of disbursement of payments, advances, accountability reports, completeness of documents to consolidated financial statements.
2. Ensure that the entire process is in accordance with the SOP for Finance, Transaction recording, and PIM.
3. Assisting the Finance Coordinator in conducting an assessment of prospective IAC partners.
4. Assist the finance team in identifying points that need improvement and strengthening the Financial SOPs and PIM.
5. Review and ensure that internal and external financial reports are accurate, transparent, accountable, and timely, both soft copy and hard copy reports before being submitted to the accounting department.
6. Assist the accounting department in identifying the possibility of recording transaction errors and misuse of funds that occur in the institution’s internal and external reporting processes.
7. Assist in the variance analysis process (including coordinating with partners) to be distributed to the Planning Monitoring and Evaluationsection on a monthly basis.
8. Take an active role in the audit preparation and reporting process.
9. Establish communication and coordination with external parties related to financial mechanisms that have been determined, including but not limited to the process of requesting funds, monitoring advances, and reporting deadlines.
10. Carry out other tasks that are still related to the IAC assigned by the Manager.


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1. Using all office equipment and supplies that can support the work.
2. Provide analysis and recommendations on IAC’s Financial Performance and Financial Project/Program in general.
3. Participate in training and strengthening activities of Local Partners in terms of capacity and financial performance.


A. General Criteria
1. Educational background min D3/S1 in Finance/Accounting or Business Administration, Economics, or any other equivalent majors.
2. A minimum of 3 years experience in the same position or 5 years doing a similar job, preferably having working experience in INGO.
3. Experience and knowledge related to donor agency regulations, in particular The Global Fund, USAID, and UN are a plus.
4. Has adequate knowledge regarding Planning & Budgeting, and Cost Control Principles including accounting Principles applicable in GAAP (General Acceptance Accounting Principles) and IFRS (International Financial Reporting System).
5. Has the ability to analyze financial data, prepare financial reports, consolidate reports on several entities and financial projections.
6. Has the ability to provide supervision, reinforcement, training, and building good coordination and communication with partner institutions.
7. Willing to travel and work outside the normal working hours, if needed.

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B. Special Criteria
1. Having experience working in the non-profit sector or civil society organizations
2. Having experience working with marginalized groups, especially those affected by the issue of HIV-AIDS or other health issues.
3. Having a non-discriminative and non-judgmental attitude towards co-workers and groups being assisted
4. Never been a perpetrator of violence based on gender or other violence
5. IAC encourages people with disabilities or special needs, people with HIV-AIDS, sex workers, former injecting drug users, and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) people to apply.

Interested candidate can send their application, CV with photograph, reference letter along with salary expectations to email: recruitment@iac.or.idwith the subject “ICO IAC”. This ad will be closed on February 10, 2022, at 23:59 WIB.

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