Consultant for GBV Survivors

Vacancy – Referral System Consultant for GBV Survivors

Since HIV cases were first reported in Indonesia in 1987, the epidemic has spread very widely to around 543,100 infections according to the Ministry of Health’s 2020 estimates with a loss to follow-up (LTFU) case rate and an alarming death rate. The latest treatment data from May 2020 shows that there are only 62% of the estimated PLWHA in Indonesia who know their status, 21% of PLWHA who know their status is on treatment, and 1.5% of PLWHA who are undergoing treatment have viral suppression. According to a rapid assessment of 90-90-90 achievements from a community perspective conducted at the end of 2020, most of the challenges arise from the lack of a solid relationship between patients and health care which is driven by several factors including entrenched stigma and discrimination, as well as the burden of health care. Another thing that has become a concern in the HIV control program and is one of the causes of challenges and obstacles is Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Based on data obtained from WHO, four things can link GBV to HIV prevention programs, either directly or indirectly. Sexual violence is the most important part, with HIV as a result of sexual transmission through rape, another link is related to the disclosure of HIV status which has an impact on violence. Another influencing link is gender inequality and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).

In general, GBV greatly affects access to testing and treatment, so CBOs implementing HIV control programs must have an understanding of GBV in general and IPV in particular. As the increase in GBV cases impacts outreach efforts, response strategies should be implemented as a precaution to be included and integrated into outreach methods.

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This program aims to reduce the impact of GBV and respond to cases of GBV by involving outreach officers, peer mentors, paralegals, and advocacy officers. Other integrations will also be explored, namely by referring detected IPV and GBV survivors to services needed by victims, for example, legal aid services through Community Paralegals to be referred to Legal Aid Organizations, as well as other services needed by victims.

After identifying the needs for handling IPV/GBV cases needed by key population groups in the GBV Module Revision activity, the next step is to establish a case handling mechanism and referral system in every case handling experienced by the community.

The main objectives of this activity are as follows:

There is a referral system for GBV survivors in terms of medical, psychosocial, safe houses, and legal assistance in the integration of PSP and CSS – HR programs.

While the specific objectives of this activity are as follows:

  1. 1. Identify existing violence referral services in each city/district or province.
  2. 2. Identify community-friendly violence referral services.
  3. 3. Identify the response of violence referral services to HIV and the community.
  4. 4. Assess the violence service model for the community and identify successes, good practices, or areas for further development.
  5. 5. Evaluate violence services so that they can provide recommendations to the government, NGOs, and other cooperation partners on appropriate strategies to address community needs related to violence in accordance with the needs of survivors of the violence.

The required time in the making of this Referral System Module is one and a half months (1.5 months) after the contract has been signed- that is from mid of June 2022 to the end of July 2022. The completion of the report should be finished by end of July 2022.

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Dibutuhkan “KONSULTAN” untuk menyusun Modul Sistem Rujukan bagi Penyintas GBV dalam hal pelayanan medis, psikososial, safe house, dan bantuan hukum dalam integrasi program PSP dan CSS – HR, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

  1. 1. The incumbent is an individual/institution engaged in social, public health, and human rights. Preferably to those engaged in HIV and AIDS, specifically the issue of handling IPV/GBV cases experienced by Key Populations and PLHIV.
  2. 2. Understands the issues in the community in depth.
  3. 3. The organization or institution has been registered with a legal entity at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
  4. 4. Have an NPWP
  5. 5. Have experience in manufacturing GBV Hardness Module.
  6. 6. Have the capacity and experience in coordinating with stakeholders at national and international levels related to public health and human rights issues, preferably related to gender-based violence.
  7. 7. Responsible and committed to implementing the entire series of preparation of the referral system for GBV survivors in terms of medical, psychosocial, safe house, and legal assistance services within the implementation period that will be mutually agreed upon.

A. Duties and Responsibilities:


  • • Conduct consultative meetings with IAC to determine data collection plans, report preparation, and data collection tools.
  • • Develop a plan for the preparation of analysis and compilation of field data that has been collected.
  • • Propose intervention areas based on analysis that can be accounted for by sampling to confirm the data that has been collected.
  • • Ensure studies are in accordance with human rights principles and researchers’ code of ethics.
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Study Implementation

  • • Develop a service analysis map based on the data that has been collected.
  • • Conduct field visits to verify or validate the data that has been collected or if other data is required by sampling.
  • • Conducting consultations with IAC

Reports and Dissemination


  • • Prepare a compilation report on the violence that is often experienced by the community
  • • Prepare maps of service availability in intervention areas
  • • Develop a referral flow based on the data that has been collected.
  • • There is a referral system for GBV survivors in terms of medical services, psychosocial services, safe houses, and legal assistance, accompanied by follow-up recommendations.
  • • Disseminate to related parties.

B. Procedure for Proposal Registration

The following documents should be submitted:

  1. 1) Letter of Interest
  2. 2) Curriculum Vitae (including at least 3 references)
  3. 3) NPWP
  4. 4) Proposal, which includes:
  • • Introduction (background, brief analysis of the problem)
  • • Methodology (based on theory/references used; population sample design used; inclusion and exclusion criteria; duration of implementation and details of research protocol methods used in implementation to analyse and validation of assessment results)
  • • Dissemination Strategy
  • • Expected fee
  • 5) Examples of similar work (study results, journals, articles, etc.)

All documents are to be sent to on 5 June 2022 before 23:59 WIB with PGBV on the email subject. : PGBV

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