JOB VACANCY Program Coordinator

Vacancy Program Coordinator

This position is assisting Program Manager in organizing ongoing project of Indonesia AIDS Coalition. This task involves monitoring project plans, schedules, work hours, budgets and expenditures. Organizing and participating in stakeholders’ meetings and ensuring that project deadlines are met in timely manner.

Key Responsibility:

  1. Support Program Manager in translating the workplan into detail activities.
  2. Provide administrative support to Program Manager to make sure that the project activities are carried out according to workplan based on monthly activities calendar.
  3. Provide event planning support, including sourcing venues and managing logistics, for project events such as meetings, workshops, and trainings.
  4. Work closely with Program Manager and Finance Coordinator to develop activity budget, process and reconcile invoices, and maintain payment documentation records.
  5. Developing project strategies and determining project changes.
  6. Ensuring project adhere to frameworks and all documentation is maintained appropriately for each project.
  7. Assess project risks and issues and provide solutions wherever and whenever applicable.
  8. Chair and facilitate meetings where appropriate and distribute minutes to all project team members.
  9. Create a project management calendar for fulfilling each goal and objective.
  10. Deliver any other task as assigned by Program Manager.

Qualifications & Requirements:

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree with 5 years relevant experiences.
  • Deep understanding of public health, social and development, especially in Community Led Monitoring is highly preferred.
  • Knowledge of and experience in collaborating with community members in a way that will identify barriers and enablers to accessing and utilizing HIV services is pivotal to PEPFAR’s client centre focus, is an asset.
  • Strong ability to work and communicate within team.
  • Good command of English (reading, writing, speaking and understanding)
  • Able to work independently and to exercise independent judgement.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work under pressure and balance workloads among competing priorities and a tight schedule.


  • Prior USAID or NGO experience will be an added value.
  • Willingness to travel to sites as required.


Interested candidate please send application, CV and 3 reference with subject “FC” to email   latest 31 March 2021

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