call for Proposals is open

Call for Proposal Consultant Agency for Community Based Monitoring and Feedback Project

TOR Call for Proposal
Consultant Agency for Community Based Monitoring and Feedback Project
For Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) and Yayasan Spiritia

Title : Call for Proposal Consultant Agency for Community Based Monitoring and Feedback Project For Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) and Yayasan Spiritia
Closing Date : July 12, 2019
Email with subject Line : Letter of Interest: CBMF Project IAC & Spiritia

Spiritia is a non-governmental organization. We work together for people living with HIV / AIDS since 1995. Our vision is to provide quality support and care and uphold human rights for people infected with HIV in Indonesia. We collaborate with partners at local and national levels, by placing people with HIV / AIDS as a center in developing effective responses to this epidemic.

The Indonesian AIDS Coalition (IAC) was established in 2011. Our goal is for reducing stigma and discrimination among Key Population and enabling environment for access. IAC has developed into a community based organization who were able to mobilize communities to carry out campaigns and advocacy in order to fulfill the basic rights of PLHIV and communities who affected by AIDS. IAC has developed a communication platform that encourages collaboration across the main affected populations on cross-cutting issues.


Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and Principal Recipient (PR) in Indonesia has taken a rapid review of Community-based monitoring and feedback (CBMF) mechanisms by the end of 2017. Rapid review on CBMF mechanism includes mapping the monitoring mechanisms and feedback for all activities which have been carried out or implemented by the government and civil society organisations. Moreover, the rapid review also has identified the latest CBMF activities which proposed in new funding request (2018-2020). The rapid review came up with suggestions and recommendations to strengthened CBMF mechanism which has been available for TB and HIV programs in Indonesia.

Based on the recommendations from the rapid review of CBMF, the Global Fund in its grant confirmation letter suggested Indonesia to develop robust strategies based on community monitoring. These strategies were then designed with the participation of the community, endorsed by the CCM and finally approved by the Global Fund.

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The strategies of CBMF that has been approved by GF are as follows:

1. Building comprehensive community-based monitoring and feedback (CBMF) mechanism through the establishment of an integrated community information system (CIS). Integrated Community Information System (CIS) is proposed to be made based on the foundation of community-based monitoring tools that have been identified by Rapid Review. The proposed CIS is a dashboard platform with three reporting protocols, including 1) Client satisfaction reporting protocol; 2) Reporting protocol to create a conducive environment, and 3) reporting protocol for program quality assurance.
2. Ensuring a robust response mechanism is in place to effectively respond to beneficiaries’ feedback together with national and sub-national programme stakeholders. Strategy 2 is built based on the results of the activities carried out on strategy 1. Data from the Community Information System (CIS) will be used to inform community activities, program learning, planning and development, and advocacy to improve policies, guidelines, coordination and collaboration. This strategy aims to develop a community-led response system and strengthen planning and coordination efforts between civil society and key stakeholders by creating structured opportunities for meaningful engagement. The proposed CIS will also consider its dashboard, tracking protocol to ensure a robust response mechanism is applied to data generated from all three reporting protocols in Strategy 1.

The goal of Community-based Monitoring and Feedback is to improve health outcomes of HIV beneficiaries by protecting their rights, improve and sustain the quality of lives through the strengthening of health and community systems, implement service quality assurance and the creation of enabling environments.

The objectives of CBMF are as follows:

  1. To complement the national HIV programmes efforts in identifying and resolving challenges in service delivery by providing platforms for service users and programme beneficiaries to provide feedback;
  2. To forge better coordination with multi-sector partners on HIV to respond to challenges and opportunities presented by local policy and legal environments that act as barriers to accessing appropriate, quality health and social services;
  3. To strengthen comprehensive community-led tracking mechanism; for monitoring, documenting and analysing the experiences of programme beneficiaries in obtaining proper, quality health and social services, logistics and supply of health commodities and the implementation of human rights protection initiatives;
  4. To strengthen the responsiveness of HIV health facilities and community-based service providers in responding to service delivery and program implementation challenges, identified by service users and programme beneficiaries.
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The CBMF project seeks to contract an organization or consultant agency in developing and producing the protocol for each strategy of Client Satisfaction, Enabling Environtment and Quality Assurance. After the protocol developed the organization or consultant agency will have continue to responsible in the implementation of and continue to implementing the regular client satisfaction index. The project will be running for 18 months and responsible to both IAC and Spiritia with the advised from UNAIDS.

The deliverable that should be by the consulting organizations to be contracted are as follows :


Outcome 1: By the end of the first quarter of 2019, the integrated platform (Community Information System) for “service users” and beneficiaries of the national HIV program to provide feedback in 23 districts available



Means of Verification

Providing consultant/s to support in developing CIS protocols:

        1. Client Satisfaction, (I)

        2. Enabling Environment, (I)

        3. Quality Assurance (S)

        4. Roles and responsibilities of coordination team guidelines. (I)


Coordination and planning meeting to develop CIS between PRs HIV.



Workshop to finalise draft CIS protocols at the national level. (S)

Consultant/s recruited; Three protocols developed; One guideline for response team developed

Inputs and recommendation for development of protocols documented; Participants have attended the meetings

Inputs and recommendation for development of protocols documented; Participants have attended the meetings

Consultancy reports, protocols

Minutes of meetings

Minutes of meetings


Providing IT consultant to support in developing national dashboard and Integrated online reporting platform (S)


Planning, tool development, preparation including assessment of platform and national dashboard of CS, EEA and QA (S)


Soft launching of protocol and dashboard to CCM/TWG members (S)


Pilot trials of the platform and national dashboard in 3 districts (S)


Introducing and National Launching Integrated Online Reporting Platform and National Dashboard(S)

1.2.6.EEA guidance Video graphic development (IAC)


National dashboard developed

Assessment in developing platform and dashboard conducted analysed and documented

Inputs and recommendation for development of protocols documented; Participants have attended the meetings

Pilot trials in 3 districts of the platform and national dashboard implemented, the recommendation from pilot trials as the basis to finalise the platform and dashboard documented

A meeting to introduce the complete national dashboard and platform to key stakeholders conducted

Video graphic of EEA guidance developed

Consultant/s recruited to develop CIS platform and national dashboard

Minutes of meetings

Activity report

Pilot trial Activity Report

Minutes meeting

Consultant report

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Applicants are required to submit a one-page Letter of Interest which states

  1. why applicant is interested
  2. brief information on relevant past experience, and point of contact (email address and phone number)
  3. CV from the leader and team. Letter of Interest should be submitted to email with subject line “Letter of Interest: CBMF Project IAC & Spiritia,” at the latest 12 July 2019 at 6 pm Jakarta time.

After submitting Letter of Interest, applicants will be invited to attend Bidder’s Conference on 15 July 2019. The panelists will only accept proposals submitted between 16 – 26 July 2019, and only accepting submissions from applicants who submit a Letter of Interest and attend Bidder’s Conference. The announcement of the organization who received to conduct CBMF on 30 July 2019.

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