
The 2023 Asia-Pacific AIDS & Co-Infections Conference (APACC)

Over the years, there have been major advances in efforts to tackle HIV-AIDS and its co-infections Such advances are inseparable from the contributions of academics, industry practitioners, and civil society in seeking access to care and treatment for people living with HIV (PLHIV). In order to address concerns regarding the difficulty of accessing various international scientific conferences due to limited funds and visa constraints, as well as the absence of a special conference dedicated to discussing HIV-AIDS in the Asia-Pacific Region, the Virology Education held the 2023 Asia-Pacific AIDS & Co-infection Conference (APACC) at the Singapore Convention & Exhibition Center, Singapore, on June 8–10, 2023. Participants can also attend the 2023 APACC conference online by accessing the website.

The 2023 APACC conference is intended to be a forum for scientific discussion on the developments, issues, and needs related to HIV-AIDS in the Asia-Pacific Region. At the 2023 APACC conference, researchers will have the opportunity to present and discuss the latest developments through online lectures, case discussions, round tables, and open debates. In addition, researchers will also have the opportunity to interact, network, and collaborate with fellow researchers, government officials, and practitioners.

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The 2023 APACC conference is targeted for resident doctors, doctoral students, country, NGO, and industry representatives, as well as health and social workers.

Furthermore, the aim of the 2023 APACC conference is to encourage participants to be able to:
• Understand the similarities and differences between treatment guidelines at the international/regional level;
• Be able to choose the optimal treatment strategy for patients and the various clinical parameters that influence regimen choice;
• Be informed of the latest developments on HIV prevention;
• Understand the concept of early diagnosis and an early start; and
• Review the appropriate regimen options for patients.

The Chairs for the 2023 APACC conference are Joseph Tucker, MD, PhD, AM (UNC Chapel Hill, United States of America), Nittaya Phanuphak, MD, PhD (Institute of HIV Research and Innovation, Thailand), and Reena Rajasuriar, MPharm, PhD (Universiti Malaya, Malaysia).

Some of the topics that will be discussed are:
• The Role of Community Involvement in Patient Care;
• WHO Guidelines on Long-Term HIV Management in Asia;
• Clinical Perspectives on Long-Term ARV Treatment;
• Transgender Preference regarding Long-Term ARV Treatment;
• Long-Term Perspective in Understanding Complications;
• Clinical Treatment beyond Virus Suppression;
• WHO’s Work to Reduce Opportunistic Infections and AIDS Deaths in Southeast Asia;
• Access to Advanced HIV Treatment and Diagnostics in the Asia-Pacific Region; and
• Demedicalization of PrEP/Long-Term ARV Treatment.

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The above-mentioned topics will be presented by researchers from renowned universities in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, there will be an exhibition, abstract presentations, and NGO symposiums. The 2023 APACC conference is supported by various organizations and associations, such as Action for AIDS Singapore (AFA), AIDS Concern, the AIDS Society of the Philippines, APCOM, the AIDS Society of India (ASI), FHI360, the Korean Society for AIDS, the Taiwan AIDS Society, the Thai AIDS Society (TAS), TREAT Asia, and many more. . Through posts on various social media channels and participation in the conference, the Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) is also supporting the 2023 APACC conference.

Interested parties can access the 2023 APACC website via the following link: https://academicmedicaleducation.com/meeting/apacc-2023


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