
Report corruption, fraud, terrorism funding, and other violations via the hotline

Indonesia AIDS Coalition works hard to ensure its transparency, accountability, and good governance in everything we do. We are driven by our strict Code of Conduct that guides our day-to-day operation as well as project planning, implementation, and reporting and IAC have zero tolerance for misconduct and abuse, and we all acknowledge our responsibility to report inappropriate behaviour if we witness it.

IAC encourages you to collaborate and report for misconduct and/or abuse through:

Email to: lapor@iac.or.id

The reporting system available to be used by our own people, as well as partners, field workers, donors, suppliers, community and beneficiaries, and anyone else who encounters us.


Issues to report:

  • Stealing money or medicine
  • Personal use of money or other assets
  • Fake invoicing
  • Staging of fake training events
  • Counterfeiting drugs
  • Irregularities in tender processes (for example, fraudulent bids, bid collusion, bid manipulation, coercive practice…)
  • Bribery and kickbacks
  • Abuse of power or authority for personal gain
  • Conflict of interest
  • Human rights violations by Global Fund grant recipients

Please make your report as specific and complete as possible using the following questions as a guide:

  • What is the type of wrongdoing you are reporting?
  • Where and when did it take place?
  • What happened exactly?
  • Who was involved? Please share full name, title, and office.
  • Who else knows?
  • Why do you think it should be investigated?
  • Do you have any other relevant information?


Your report will be received by IAC Board of Supervisors and Internal Auditor who will screen and investigate the case further. In terms of serious offence of the National Law, the case will then be referred to the national authorities.

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Report corruption, fraud, terrorism funding, and other violations via the hotline

Indonesia AIDS Coalition works hard to ensure its transparency, accountability, and good governance in everything we do. We are driven by our strict Code of Conduct that guides our day-to-day operation as well as project planning, implementation, and reporting and IAC have zero tolerance for misconduct and abuse, and we all acknowledge our responsibility to report inappropriate behaviour if we witness it.

IAC encourages you to collaborate and report for misconduct and/or abuse through:

Email to: lapor@iac.or.id

The reporting system available to be used by our own people, as well as partners, field workers, donors, suppliers, community and beneficiaries, and anyone else who encounters us.


Issues to report:

Please make your report as specific and complete as possible using the following questions as a guide:


Your report will be received by IAC Board of Supervisors and Internal Auditor who will screen and investigate the case further. In terms of serious offence of the National Law, the case will then be referred to the national authorities.






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