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Vacancy Consultant for Country Snapshot Children with HIV


Since the first HIV case was reported in 1987 in Indonesia, the HIV epidemic has continued to spread widely with an estimated 543,100 people living with HIV based on data from the Ministry of Health in 2020, while the number of children living with HIV in Indonesia is estimated at 12,691 children, with an age range of 0-14 years. The number of children, which is only 3% of the total HIV cases in Indonesia, has made children with HIV not the focus of HIV prevention policies for many years

80% of children with HIV come from families with middle to lower economic status, where economic limitations result in children with HIV experiencing a lack of adequate nutritional intake to support their growth and development, even though in addition to requiring access to ARVs, they also need support for proper nutrition and education. Besides the disadvantaged economically, more than 70% of children with HIV are orphans, where the main care givers are grandparents, only mothers, fathers, or other family members. In addition, treatment and children with HIV are also still limited, where the types of ARV’s currently available are still the types of ARVs consumed for adults and are not yet friendly to children with HIV.

Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) intends to conduct a large-scale comprehensive study of the The Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) intends to conduct a large-scale comprehensive study of the situation of children living with HIV in Indonesia, in order to determine the magnitude of the current problem of children living with HIV in Indonesia, identify the response of the health sector and society, assess comprehensive service models for children living with HIV and identify successful good practices, or areas that could be further developed, and provide recommendations to the government, NGOs and other collaborative partners, appropriate strategies to support and improve the situation of children living with HIV in Indonesia.

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The Objectives
The main objectives of this activity are as follows:
There is a comprehensive study related to the situation of children with HIV in Indonesia that can present a real, evidence-based picture that can be accounted for and become an advocacy material.

While the specific objectives of this activity are as follows:
1. To determine the current magnitude of the problem of children living with HIV in Indonesia
2. To identify problems faced by children, families, and communities in responding to these problems.
3. To identify the response of the health sector and society to the situation of children living with HIV.
4. To assess the developmental age-appropriate model of comprehensive care for children living with HIV and to identify successes, good practices, or areas for further development.
5. To recommend to the government, NGOs and other collaborative partners the appropriate strategies to address community needs to support children with HIV according to their age development.

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Procurement Details
1. Duties and Responsibilities of Consultants:

– Conduct consultative meetings with related parties, especially the Steering Committee
– Develop a research framework and conduct a desk review.
– Proposed regional intervention based on an analysis that can be accounted
– Develop data collection plans, research protocols and data collection tools, as well as data collection methods
– Ensuring that studies are in accordance with human rights principles and researchers’ code of ethics, including ensuring that there are Ethical Clearance from authorized institutions.

Study Implementation
– Performing data retrieval
– Verifying and validating data
– Performing Data Analysis
– Conducting consultations with the Steering Committee.

Reports and Dissemination
• Prepare a comprehensive Country Snapshot report on the Situation of Children with HIV in Indonesia, accompanied by recommendations for follow-up.
• Disseminate to related parties.
• Ensure this report can be published internationally (ISBN, etc.)

2. The Qualifications:
1. Minimum bachelor’s degree (S1) in Social Science, Public Health, Psychology, or other relevant field of study. Educational background of S2 or above is a plus.
2. Engaged in social, public health, human rights. Preference will be given to those who work in the field of HIV and AIDS, specifically in the issue of Children with HIV, and understands the issues in the community deeply.
3. Having experience in conducting research and mastering various research methods.
4. Have the capacity and experience in coordinating with stakeholders at national and international levels related to public health and human rights issues, preferably related to children living with HIV
5. Have a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
6. Responsible and committed in the implementation of the entire series of Country Snapshot of the Situation of Children with HIV in the implementation period that will be mutually agreed upon.

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Proposal Registration Procedure:

Prospective Consultants should submit the following documents:
1. Letter of Interest
2. Curriculum Vitae (including at least 3 references)
3. Photo/Scan of NPWP
4. Examples of similar work (study results, journals, articles, etc.)
5. Proposal, which contains:

All documents should be sent to recruitment@iac.or.id at the latest on 29 May 2022, 23:59 WIB with the email subject: Recruitment of Child Study Consultants with HIV

For the complete TOR can download here

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