
Upcoming Service Contract – Implementation of ERP System at IAC

Invitation To Bid

Tender No                       : 001.05.21

Project No / Name      : FAA#2 BANTU/ERP Implementation

Brief Project Title          : Upcoming Service Contract – Implementation of ERP System at IAC Country         : Indonesia

Dear Potential Bidders,

The Indonesia AIDS Coalition, hereinafter referred to as “IAC”, intends to have a service companies through tender process for upcoming Service Contract – Implementation of ERP at IAC. The detailed requirements as stipulated in the Terms of Reference.

Should you be interested in participating in this tender, please submit the proposal on 7 June 2021 17.00 Jakarta Local Time (GMT +7) at the latest. Any proposal arriving after the deadline will not be considered.

Proposal should be submitted in English and mail it to:

Indonesia AIDS Coalition

Jl. Tebet Dalam IV E No. 15 Kav.71 RT.20/RW.1 Tebet Barat, Tebet

Jakarta Selatan 12810

or you could email them to: cc to and, for Applicants who wish to submit by email, please be informed to set password for the bid documents and share the password to those emails above, on the Bid opening date. 

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The tender requirement;

1.      Requirement and the Content of the Technical and Financial Proposal

Bids are to be submitted using the two-files procedure.

Please submit your technical and financial proposal in two-files, technical and financial (PDF format). Price information shall not appear in any part of technical proposal.

The maximum size of both files should not exceed 25MB.

The subject line of the email will include the reference;

RFP No. 001.05.21 – Service Contract – Implementation of ERP System at IAC – (mention the name of the bidder).

Content of Technical and Financial Proposal as follow:


Technical Proposal should be consisting of:

  • Presentation of the bidding company/institution (Applicant Information Data-Annex B, company profile, copy of company registration (Akte Pendirian/SIUP/TDP/NPWP)).
  • Narrative description of relevant experience and
  • Project
  • Methodology refers to the Term of
  • Work Plan
  • Description of the assigned expert or key personnel including their CV/Resume.


Financial Proposal should be consisting of:

  • Price Schedule Form (Annex C).
  • Bank Account Detail (Annex D).
  • Financial Statement (Annex E).
  • All prices/rates must be inclusive Value Added Tax (PPN) as IAC obligated to withhold the income tax (PPh23) for Indonesian
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2.      Technical and Financial Assessment or Evaluation

We will evaluate the bids received in the light of both technical and price consideration. The technical and financial proposals are weighted at a ratio of 70:30 respectively. The technical bid will be weighted with 70% and the financial proposal with 30% on the basis of the following formula:


Technical evaluation of bid x 70% + most economical (lowest price) bid x 30%
Technical evaluation of best bid price of bid

The firm achieving the highest Final Score will be declared the successful bidder and will be invited for contract finalization.

  1. Validity of Proposal

Proposals should be valid for a period of not less than 60 days after proposal opening, unless otherwise specified in the Project Terms and Conditions. Proposers are requested to indicate the validity period of their proposals.

4.      Project Terms and Conditions

IAC Project Terms and Conditions for the stated in Section 5 of RFP document.

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5.      Contract Award

The Contract will be awarded to the Proposer/Bidder offering the most responsive evaluated proposal and whose services are commercially and technically acceptable (best overall value).

If you have any further questions in this respect, please send an email to cc to and The queries will be answered by email, both queries and answers will be forwarded to all bidders involved in the bidding process.

Link to reference:

  1. TOR Vendor
  2. Annex A ITA
  3. Annex B
  4. Annex C
  5. Annex D
  6. Annex E
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